Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kettlebell hour of power

Kettlebell hour of power
By Senior Trainer Bart Brys

Perform 5 circuits of 1 to 5 reps of the exercises 1 to 5.
Remember to never work to max effort with heavy kettlebells (KB) for safety reasons.
Beginners can use 12-16kg KBs, intermediate to advanced 16-24kg

1. Turkish get ups
2. Double KB front squats (KB single leg squats for advanced)
3. Windmills
4. Clean and press
5. Floor press

Finish with heavy chin ups (weighted) as a ladder. It works like this.
Do 1 rep, rest a few seconds, do 2 reps & rest a few seconds, 3 reps, 4 reps, if you are not going to make the next higher number, start again at 1 rep, do 2, etc. and keep repeating till you can only do one more 1.
An example could be 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 (total 23 reps)

Final conditioning section
10 sets of 10 KB swings with 30-60sec rest in between sets
check out the page for more ideas

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Snake bite Army workout

Snake bite Army workout
By Luke Cawthorne

A commonly used workout in the army.

3 exercises : one after the other minimal rest
- chin ups : overhand grip
- 20 push ups with good form
- 200m sprint on the treadmill at 85-90% effort

The workout :
Only the number of chin ups changes.
10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
The amount of push ups stays at 20 reps,
the sprinting distance remain at 200m.
To get the most out of your sprints, keep the treadmill going at the speed you want to run, place 2 cones at the back to mark it is in use.

It looks like this:
- 10 chins, 20 push ups, 200m sprint
- 8 chins, 20 push ups, 200m sprint
- 6 chins, 20 push ups, 200m sprint

Total number of chin ups performed at the end of the session 55, 200 push ups and 2km in sprints. This is a very solid workout.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Matt's circuit

Matt’s circuit

Warm up 5 min on the bike.

Take a 1 min break after you completed all exercises for each round. Complete 4 rounds.

1. 2 min flat out on the rower
2. 20 kettlebell swings
3. 2 x 30 bosu push ups with 30sec recovery
4. 12 double Kettlebell squat and press
5. 10 chin ups
6. 10 steps up each leg while holding a medicine ball overhead (straight arms)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Strength circuit by Scott Peterkin

complete 3 rounds for time of the following exercises.

1. 800m level 10 on the rower
2. medicine ball push ups 20 reps
3. Barbell squat to press 50-60lb 10 reps
4. One arm Dumbell (20kg) or Kettlebell row (16kg) 15 reps
5. Russian kettlebell swings, single arm switch every rep, 20 reps
6. TRX atomic push ups, 10 reps
7. TRX shoulder series, Y, W, T, 5 reps each
8. TRX single leg squat 10 reps each leg