Monday, December 7, 2009

Workout 1 (TRX-KB-BW) Dec 2009 Week 1

TRX-Bodyweight-Kettlebell challenge workout by Bart Brys, AD Senior Trainer
-Warm up 1 km on the rower
-Perform all 9 exercises in the circuit one after the other without a break or very short rest.
-Work 2 to 4 rounds with 1-2 minutes break between sets (after completing 9 exercises)
-Record your total time for the circuit.

20-15-10 TRX - bodyweight- KB challenge
1. TRX push up crunch 20 reps
2. 12kg Kettlebell squat to overhead press (one KB in each hand) 15 reps
3. Body weight or assisted chin ups 10 reps
4. Burpees 20 reps
5. Triceps dips (box or full body weight) 15 reps
6. TRX single leg squat 10 reps each leg
7. Spiderman push ups 20 reps
8. Bosu single leg jackknives 15 reps each leg
9. TRX “T” deltoid fly 10 reps

- Cool down stretching back, legs, chest, arms

for more ideas check out

1 comment:

  1. This workout definitely sorted me out for the weekend. Planning to do 4 rounds I gave up after 3, being on my knees for the spiderman push ups in round 3 and having nothing in chest and triceps left, it didn't look pretty. Heart rate through the roof. This is seriously hard work. I took 1 minute rest between rounds and finished 3 rounds in a total time of just under 30min. OUCH!!!!!!
