Sunday, February 21, 2010

In & out in under 15 minutes

In & out in under 15 minutes

by Senior Trainer Damian Tancred

Looking for a quick blast of energy to reboot your system.
Complete the following workout as fast as possible.

Warm up: 5 minutes jogging on the treadmill

500m rowing as hard as possible (level 10).
25 push ups
400m rowing same average strokes per minute (spm)
25 situps on the bench
300m rowing same average spm
20 walking lunges each leg (40 total)
200m rowing same average spm
20 squat jumps
100 rowing same average spm
10 burpees

Cooldown: 10 min on the bike + stretching whole body
prone bridge hold as long as possible

Monday, February 15, 2010

Postural - corrective work routine

Postural / corrective work routine

By Artie Sanchez

This is a series of exercises for correction of lower and upper back issues.

Repeat the whole series of 10 exercises 2-3 times.
Spend at least 5 minutes stretching after completing the sequence.

1. Face pull 15 reps @ 50-100 pounds
2. Deltoid press 15 reps @ 50-100 pounds (set shoulders back)
3. Cable machine deltoid rows 20 reps @ 20-30kg (set shoulders back)
4. Pulls ups (on squat rack bar) 20 reps of lower body weight
5. External shoulder rotation 20 reps @ 4-10kg
6. Anterior shoulder rotation 20 reps @ 2-6kg
7. Torso rotation machine 10 reps each side @ 70-110 pounds
8. Lateral flexions 10 reps each side @ 12,5-20kg dumbbell
9. One Arm Kettlebell Russian swing 10 reps each arm 6-12,5kg
10. Box step ups (alternating legs) with dumbbells 20 reps 6-15kg

Monday, February 8, 2010

Rowing - TRX - KB circuit challenge

Rowing-TRX-KB circuit challenge

by Senior Trainer Bart Brys

Warm up: 5 min easy on the treadmill, followed by 2 sets of 10 squats and push ups.


Aim to complete the following circuit 2x.

Row 2000m on the ergometer on level 10 (aim for 8min or less) followed by 8 exercises alternating between TRX and Kettlebells.
1. 16kg KB snatch 20 reps each arm
2. TRX uneven push ups + obliques combo, 20 reps
3. 12kg double KB squat to press, 20 reps
4. 45 degree TRX back rows, 20 reps
5. 16kg KB windmill, 10 reps each arm
6. TRX pike on elbows, 20 reps
7. 16kg KB around the world swings, 20 reps
8. TRX suspended cross lunges, 10 reps each leg

for more hardcore conditioning workouts go to

Good luck

Monday, February 1, 2010

SMH Half Marathon Training program

Tattersalls Club's gun, endurance runner Damian Tancred has designed a 17 week intermediate training program for the SMH Half Marathon.

For all queries email Damian via

Visit the Tattersalls AD page via