Monday, February 8, 2010

Rowing - TRX - KB circuit challenge

Rowing-TRX-KB circuit challenge

by Senior Trainer Bart Brys

Warm up: 5 min easy on the treadmill, followed by 2 sets of 10 squats and push ups.


Aim to complete the following circuit 2x.

Row 2000m on the ergometer on level 10 (aim for 8min or less) followed by 8 exercises alternating between TRX and Kettlebells.
1. 16kg KB snatch 20 reps each arm
2. TRX uneven push ups + obliques combo, 20 reps
3. 12kg double KB squat to press, 20 reps
4. 45 degree TRX back rows, 20 reps
5. 16kg KB windmill, 10 reps each arm
6. TRX pike on elbows, 20 reps
7. 16kg KB around the world swings, 20 reps
8. TRX suspended cross lunges, 10 reps each leg

for more hardcore conditioning workouts go to

Good luck


  1. I completed this workout in December last year and realy felt the benefits of it, so I thought I share it with you people by putting it up as the workout of the week. Have also used it with some clients who struggled to complete 2 sets in less than one hour. It is a hard one

  2. Ideal for a Friday night, but ouch!!!!! First round (rower 7.43) took me 20min. After 1 min rest I started the second round. Wanted to break 8min on the rower so bad, but got stuck at 8.05. Had to lie down for 2 minutes, absolutely smashed. The second round of KB squat to press was agonizing. total time 44 min 30sec. Lunch was about to come back up, just barely managed to keep it in. This is seriously hard core.
    Good luck in trying to beat this time.

  3. I should probably attempt this workout again sometime soon. It is an absolutely brutal conditioning workout. Need anymore conditioning ideas, why not ask me questions.

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