Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Army Basic Fitness Assessment (B.F.A.)

by Luke Cawthorne

How do you match up to the soldiers of the Australian defence force fitness assessment? The B.F.A. is one of many fitness assessments in the army and certainly is not the hardest of fitness tests. This form of assessment is the most used for standard Australian defence force members and still presents a challenge for the majority who participate in the B.F.A. This is a graded test from pass to level 1-3 ( level 1 the top result), so the faster and the more you put out the more your cut out to be one of the elite. There are 3 components of the B.F.A. which are guided by cadences and time limits.
They are as follows:
· Push ups : 2 minutes, as many as possible
· Sit ups : minimum 4 seconds between each sit up, max 100 sit ups no more.
· 2.4km run : max time of 11mins 18 seconds.
Results are as follows:
Pass mark: Push ups 40+, sit ups 75+, run under 11mins 18 sec.
Level 3: Push ups 60+, sit ups 85+, run under 10mins.
Level 2: Push ups 80+, sit ups 100, run under 9mins 30 sec.
Level 1: Push ups 100+, sit ups 100, run under 9 mins.

IMPORTANT: 2Minutes rest between each component.
Remember to use good form for each exercise.

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