Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Body weight - Kettlebell mini workout
Warm up:
2o squats
10 push ups
5 reps each arm of 12kg KB military press
5 chin ups
10 burpees
Workout challenge: as quick as possible complete all reps in this order, rest whenever needed
1. gladiator press 12kg KB, 10 reps each arm
2. double KB squat 16kg, 20 reps
3. pull ups 30 reps
4. push ups, 50 reps
5. KB single arm swings, 100 reps (switch arms every 5 to 10 reps)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
(Approach staff for posture and technique assistance).
There are 2 ergo challenges to be completed. Once completed please record your score and place it on the Tattersalls blog site or bring the score to one of the staff members.
TEST 1) 500 meter row
2 min rest between tests.
TEST 2) 2000 meter row
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
This week’s program of bodyweight exercises are to be done as followed:
Do each exercise for 45seconds with 15 seconds rest between each. Complete the circuit 3 times with a rest of 2 minutes maximum for each circuit. You will be in and out in 45 minutes.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
4 exercise each 4 sets of 30 sec to a minute rest between each set. Lower your rep count for each set starting at 10 reps then 8, 6 and 4.
1. SQUATS - use squat rack
2. DEADLIFT - use barbell
3. BENCH PRESS - use barbell bench press
4. MILITARY PRESS - use barbell
5 exercise each 4 sets of minimal rest no longer than 1 minute. Your rep count is the maximum for every set.
1. CHIN UPS - use chin up bar
2. BOSU WALKOVER PUSH UPS - use bosu ball
3. FULL BODY DIPS - use hip flexor
4. BICEP CURL DROP SET - use dumbbells
5. KB SIT UPS - use kettle bell
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
CONDUCT: Start in column one and complete exercises from top to bottom. Complete columns 2 and 3 in the same order until you have finished. Weight load should be around 90%.
AIM: Improve your strength, fitness and muscular endurance throughout the entire body
EXERCISES: 12 reps 1st time/ 10 reps 2nd time/ 8reps 3rd time
Lat Pulldown 12 REPS 10 REPS 8 REPS /Machine & Widegrip
Chest - Press 12 REPS 10 REPS 8 REPS /Machine & closegrip
Shoulder -Press 12 REPS 10 REPS 8 REPS /Machine & Seated
Leg - Press 12 REPS 10 REPS 8 REPS /Machine
Bicep - Curls 12 REPS 10 REPS 8 REPS /Cables & Use rope
Tricep Pushdown 12 REPS 10 REPS 8 REPS /Cables & Use Bar
Seated - Row 12 REPS 10 REPS 8 REPS /Machine & CloseGrip
Woodchop 12 REPS 10 REPS 8 REPS /Cables & D handle
Cycle 5 MINUTES 5 MINUTES 5 MINUTES /85-90 rpm
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
ROWER Complete 5 sets of 500 meters @ level 10.
. Your goal is to improve on your time for each set.
· Rest for a minimum of 1 minute between sets.
UPPER BODY 1 time through of both exercises.
5 sets to be completed and alternate as follows:
· ASSISTED CHIN-UPS 12 / 12 / 12 / 12 / 12 reps
· PUSH-UPS 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 reps
1. Assisted chin-ups @ 60-80% bodyweight.
2. Push-ups progress to decline for a more challenging workout.
3. Rest for a minimum of 1 minute between sets.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Kettlebell hour of power
By Senior Trainer Bart Brys
Perform 5 circuits of 1 to 5 reps of the exercises 1 to 5.
Remember to never work to max effort with heavy kettlebells (KB) for safety reasons.
Beginners can use 12-16kg KBs, intermediate to advanced 16-24kg
1. Turkish get ups
2. Double KB front squats (KB single leg squats for advanced)
3. Windmills
4. Clean and press
5. Floor press
Finish with heavy chin ups (weighted) as a ladder. It works like this.
Do 1 rep, rest a few seconds, do 2 reps & rest a few seconds, 3 reps, 4 reps, if you are not going to make the next higher number, start again at 1 rep, do 2, etc. and keep repeating till you can only do one more 1.
An example could be 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 (total 23 reps)
Final conditioning section
10 sets of 10 KB swings with 30-60sec rest in between sets
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Snake bite Army workout
By Luke Cawthorne
A commonly used workout in the army.
3 exercises : one after the other minimal rest
- chin ups : overhand grip
- 20 push ups with good form
- 200m sprint on the treadmill at 85-90% effort
The workout :
Only the number of chin ups changes.
10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
The amount of push ups stays at 20 reps,
the sprinting distance remain at 200m.
To get the most out of your sprints, keep the treadmill going at the speed you want to run, place 2 cones at the back to mark it is in use.
It looks like this:
- 10 chins, 20 push ups, 200m sprint
- 8 chins, 20 push ups, 200m sprint
- 6 chins, 20 push ups, 200m sprint
Total number of chin ups performed at the end of the session 55, 200 push ups and 2km in sprints. This is a very solid workout.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Matt's circuit
Warm up 5 min on the bike.
Take a 1 min break after you completed all exercises for each round. Complete 4 rounds.
1. 2 min flat out on the rower
2. 20 kettlebell swings
3. 2 x 30 bosu push ups with 30sec recovery
4. 12 double Kettlebell squat and press
5. 10 chin ups
6. 10 steps up each leg while holding a medicine ball overhead (straight arms)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
2. medicine ball push ups 20 reps
Sunday, February 21, 2010
In & out in under 15 minutes
Monday, February 15, 2010
Postural - corrective work routine
By Artie Sanchez
This is a series of exercises for correction of lower and upper back issues.
Repeat the whole series of 10 exercises 2-3 times.
Spend at least 5 minutes stretching after completing the sequence.
1. Face pull 15 reps @ 50-100 pounds
2. Deltoid press 15 reps @ 50-100 pounds (set shoulders back)
3. Cable machine deltoid rows 20 reps @ 20-30kg (set shoulders back)
4. Pulls ups (on squat rack bar) 20 reps of lower body weight
5. External shoulder rotation 20 reps @ 4-10kg
6. Anterior shoulder rotation 20 reps @ 2-6kg
7. Torso rotation machine 10 reps each side @ 70-110 pounds
8. Lateral flexions 10 reps each side @ 12,5-20kg dumbbell
9. One Arm Kettlebell Russian swing 10 reps each arm 6-12,5kg
10. Box step ups (alternating legs) with dumbbells 20 reps 6-15kg
Monday, February 8, 2010
Rowing - TRX - KB circuit challenge
Warm up: 5 min easy on the treadmill, followed by 2 sets of 10 squats and push ups.
Row 2000m on the ergometer on level 10 (aim for 8min or less) followed by 8 exercises alternating between TRX and Kettlebells.
1. 16kg KB snatch 20 reps each arm
2. TRX uneven push ups + obliques combo, 20 reps
3. 12kg double KB squat to press, 20 reps
4. 45 degree TRX back rows, 20 reps
5. 16kg KB windmill, 10 reps each arm
6. TRX pike on elbows, 20 reps
7. 16kg KB around the world swings, 20 reps
8. TRX suspended cross lunges, 10 reps each leg
for more hardcore conditioning workouts go to
Monday, February 1, 2010
SMH Half Marathon Training program
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Army Basic Fitness Assessment (B.F.A.)
by Luke Cawthorne
How do you match up to the soldiers of the Australian defence force fitness assessment? The B.F.A. is one of many fitness assessments in the army and certainly is not the hardest of fitness tests. This form of assessment is the most used for standard Australian defence force members and still presents a challenge for the majority who participate in the B.F.A. This is a graded test from pass to level 1-3 ( level 1 the top result), so the faster and the more you put out the more your cut out to be one of the elite. There are 3 components of the B.F.A. which are guided by cadences and time limits.
They are as follows:
· Push ups : 2 minutes, as many as possible
· Sit ups : minimum 4 seconds between each sit up, max 100 sit ups no more.
· 2.4km run : max time of 11mins 18 seconds.
Results are as follows:
Pass mark: Push ups 40+, sit ups 75+, run under 11mins 18 sec.
Level 3: Push ups 60+, sit ups 85+, run under 10mins.
Level 2: Push ups 80+, sit ups 100, run under 9mins 30 sec.
Level 1: Push ups 100+, sit ups 100, run under 9 mins.
IMPORTANT: 2Minutes rest between each component.
Remember to use good form for each exercise.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Fartlek running training
Warm up : jogging easy for 10 minutes
Aim is to hold your top line pace for each 30 second effort.This is a good session for ALL levels, as beginners can power walk recovery if not able to easy jog and the stronger runners are able to hold there recovery float at a higher pace.
The runs develop both your speed and endurance capacities, by increasing aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels
This type of running is also good not only for running races but also for field games like Football, rugby etc.. which also require alternating periods of fast and slow motion.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Every Wednesday morning TATTS camp starts at 6am.
Bootcamp is a military inspired outdoor group personal training session that gets you in shape fast. It is not for the faint hearted but it gets results.
Our training sessions are tough but being in a group-training environment is supportive, encouraging and fun.
Want those results of increased strength, cardio and stamina, than joins us Wednesday mornings.
Boxing & X-training workout
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Workout 5 Beach Bodies January week 1
Program by Senior Trainer Bart Brys
A great all body workout that requires no equipment, besides a bench or esky. Go to the beach or your local park or oval where you mark out a running track for about 100m (110 strides).
The workout consists of 4 rounds. Each round includes 9 exercises + 100m sprint.
Round 1: 40 reps each exercise + 1 x 100m sprint
Round 2: 30 reps each exercise + 2 x 100m sprint (sprint up, walk or jog back, repeat)
Round 3: 20 reps each exercise + 3 x 100m sprint
Round 4: 10 reps each exercise + 4 x 100m sprint
1. normal push ups
2. squat jumps
3. crunches
4. triceps dips
5. side lunges (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCz6XNWe8k4)
6. straigth leg raises
7. dorsal raises (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP2GLgh_VTo)
8. cross body mountain climbers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=revXe7n_Xzg)
9. bicycle kicks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqoD0Bdggto)
Record your total time and post your comments
Good luck